
Still going global?

Global Association Hubs’ Martin Sirk was joined by four international association leaders for an online education session during #PlanetIMEX in October 2020. The panel members discussed the immediate impact of COVID-19 on their global development plans and priorities, changes to their association’s strategic thinking, and their personal views on the future of international association meetings. Senior representatives from over 80 international associations and AMCs joined in the breakout discussions.

Embedded in the article are the four 25-minute pre-session interviews Martin held with each of the panel members, for readers who would like to explore these issues in more depth.

Panel members:
Mohamed Mezghani, Secretary General, UITP – International Association of Public Transport
Colleen Eubanks, CEO, International Association for the Study of Pain
Tommy Goodwin, Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Lead, Project Management Institute
Tracy Bury, Deputy CEO, World Physiotherapy and President, AC Forum

Interviewer: Martin Sirk, International Advisor, Global Association Hubs

Still Going Global – Boardroom magazine website

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