Privacy regulations and registry of data held

Global Association Hubs Partnership (GAHP) – represented by Sirk Serendipity

GAHP is represented by the single-person consultancy company, Sirk Serendipity, owned by Martin Sirk, based in Amsterdam and registered with Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KvK) with reference number 72191821.  Martin Sirk has been given the designation “GAHP International Advisor” as part of this consultancy and representation agreement.

GAHP is not a separate legal entity, but an informal partnership.

GAHP comprises the destination marketing  and/or association relations organisations for the cities of Brussels (, Dubai (Dubai Association Centre/Dubai Business Events), Singapore (Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau/Singapore Tourist Board), and Washington DC (Destination DC).  These privacy regulations have been aligned with general GDPR policies followed by the EU-based member of GAHP,

GAHP-related data are held separately from data held by Sirk Serendipity for its own use, and from data Sirk Serendipity processes on behalf of other clients.

The following policy only relates to GAHP-related data.

GAHP partner city personnel
Media contacts
International association executives and volunteer leaders.


GAHP partner city personnel have shared their data to conduct business with Sirk Serendipity.

Media contacts are drawn from listings of media employees and individual journalists who have stated a wish to receive news stories about international meetings and/or international associations and/or the GAHP partner cities, or who have contacted GAHP or GAHP partners directly to request such information.

International association executives and volunteer leaders are personal business contacts of GAHP representatives, and/or individuals whose organisations are already working with GAHP cities, and/or who have attended GAHP events or GAHP educational sessions at other events, and/or who have requested to be included in the GAHP database to receive relevant information in future.

Communicating association-relevant news about the GAHP partner cities.

Sharing access to general association-relevant resources and data, and stories on the future of international associations
Invitations to participate in GAHP initiatives and activities.
Facilitating introductions between international association peers and between associations and the GAHP partners.
Providing advice and support related to queries about GAHP partner cities.

Business cards; password-protected Excel lists; Outlook and Gmail email records of past communication.

Data minimalisation

Sirk Serendipty holds business card data in physical files; Excel database ONLY contains First Name; Last Name; Association/Organisation; Job Title/Position; Country of Residence; Email Address; and GAHP Activity that the individual has participated in previously.  Communication records in Outlook and Gmail are deleted after 7 years.

Rationale used for all Categories is “Legitimate Interest”.
A Legitimate Interest Assessment has been carried out (available upon request) and has determined that there is a clear interest in processing this data for the limited purposes and activities involved.

Storage period

Data will only be held whilst Sirk Serendipity acts as International Advisor to GAHP.  Once this role ceases, all GAHP data will either be passed on securely to the succeeding GAHP International Advisor, or to, to hold on behalf of the four GAHP partners until a new representative is selected.  Sirk Serendipity will delete all GAHP personal data records not passed on in this way.

Third party involvement

From time to time data will be provided to Sirk Serendipity by GAHP partners, in which case a Processor Agreement will be signed to ensure adherence with GAHP partners’ own privacy policies.  

The only third parties with whom Sirk Serendipity may share GAHP data from time to time are either the GAHP partner cities (in relation to GAHP activities), or agencies/companies hired solely for the purpose of carrying out a project or specific activity on behalf of GAHP (eg sending out a research questionnaire), in which case a Processor Agreement will be signed.

Security measures

Physical records are held in a private home office, only accessible to Martin Sirk and Stacy Sirk (MS’s wife, who provides support/administration services to Sirk Serendipity).
Data records are held in password-protected files, using iCloud storage and iMac laptops, only accessible to Martin Sirk and Stacy Sirk.

Contact details
Martin Sirk
GAHP International Advisor
Owner, Sirk Serendipity
+31 611 259229

Email for Privacy communication, enquiries, requests:

Sirk Serendipity registered address:
Palestrinastraat 13 II
1071LC Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Sirk Serendipity company registration numbers:
KvK (Netherlands Chamber of Commerce): 72191821
BTW (Netherlands VAT): NL002435995B58

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