EAS March 2020: the First Call for Proposals is now open!
The next edition of the European Association Summit will take place the week of 9-13 March 2020. For this new edition we propose a new application form, indeed the Call is divided into two stages:
- A first Call from May 20th to 20th June 2019: in the first Call we propose 4 themes to guide your study cases in your applications
- A second Call from July 22nd to 22nd September 2019: in the second Call, based on the proposals of the first one, we will target even more the thematic and therefore the choices of candidates.
Be part of our panel of speakers OR moderators!
We invite association representatives to submit case studies via the call for proposals. Use the opportunity to relate your experience on a range of issues relevant for associations. Share your experience in fields such as finance, events, advocacy, marketing, business models, governance or other relevant topic you wish to see featured.
Who can be part of our panel of speakers & moderator?
1 moderator + 2-3 speakers maximum: open to active representatives from associations wishing to share their experience. EAS aims to show the diversity of associations active at the international level.
What do we need?
The European Association Summit 2020 will focus on:
- New strategies for associations
- Engage youth in your field
- Women empowerment
- New sustainable ways of doing business (in your field of expertise)
For this first call, please submit cases studies on your experience as an association in one of these 4 themes.
According to the proposals that we will have collected, we will eliminate or modify the themes for the second Call for Proposals.
How do we want to do it?
Case studies in workshop format: the idea is to present the subject briefly, to share the knowledge and experiences in order to then encourage discussion and debate. Propose a concrete case and come share and exchange answers and solutions with your peers!
Deadline: 20th June 2019 at 12:00.
In case you want further information regarding the European Association Summit: please don’t hesitate to visit our website or to directly contact us.
For this first call for proposals, please note that you will receive feedback on your proposal by mid-July 2019 following an evaluation by the EAS Committee.